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Room Rentals
Rental of a single room is $35 per hour, with a two-hour minimum rental. Each room can hold up to 50 people with a banquet style arrangement. For Parties of more than 50 people, the wall divider can be removed and both rooms can be rented for $70 an hour with a two-hour minimum rental. 
Kitchen Rental
Our kitchen can be rented along with any room rental. There is a $30 flat rate for counter use, and a $50 flat rate for cooking use. When booking your rental, just mention that you would like to add counter or cooking kitchen use. 
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Semi-Private Party Packages

Semi-private Party Package $200, includes one hour in our club room, semi-private use of the pool (other swimmers will be in the pool) for two hours, limit to 30 people. Must be scheduled during normal open swim hours. Additional people over 30-person limit will be charged $3 each. 

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday       6:00am-9:00pm
Saturday                  8:00am-8:00pm
Sunday                    1:00pm-5:00pm


Open Swim Hours

Monday-Thursday 4:00pm-8:00pm (when school is in session)
                               12:30pm-8:00pm (Summer)
Friday                     4:00pm-7:00pm (when school is in session)
                               12:30-7:00pm (Summer)
Saturday                9:00am-6:00pm
Sunday                  1:00-4:30pm

Adult Lap Swim

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 6:00am-12:00pm
Tuesday/Thursday                 8:00am-12:00pm

Golay Community Center

1007 E. Main St.

Cambridge City, IN 47327


Tel: (765) 478-5565

Fax: (765) 478-5064


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